
August 21, 2024

Did You Know The Mortgage Rates Dropped? But It’s Not The Most Important Thing

Ok, let’s be honest. Who doesn’t want the opportunity to purchase a home that’s snugly planted on your shortlist on your favorite home search platform at a highly attractive mortgage rate of, let’s say 2.5%?

July 27, 2024

The Effects Of An Election Year On Real Estate Purchasing

As a practicing real estate agent, it isn't uncommon to receive multiple different reasons as to why someone is looking to purchase a house, whether it is a primary residence or investment home. A few reasons can range anywhere from, a first home, a retirement home, vacation or for investors - an income producing property.

July 14, 2024

Things You Need to Know Before Purchasing Real Estate Abroad

Hands down, Netflix has positioned the world to see some of the most beautiful landscapes and residential real estate from coast to coast, whether it's a sky scraping penthouse in Manhattan or a lush infinity pool against a breathtaking North Cali skyline, they have done an astonishing job with broadening the scope of some of the best of the best in prime real estate.

June 25, 2024

Three Historical Events That Shaped Real Estate Investing

Over time, real estate investing has secured itself as an essential follow-through to wealth. Before money was considered at the forefront of currency, land was a defining factor, and still is. So, there is no surprise that, still, today, there is a place in wealth-building for land ownership.

Property Management
June 15, 2024

The Top 5 Services Property Management Companies Offer That You Can't Afford to Ignore

Property management companies are an indispensable asset to property owners, particularly those who own multiple properties or lack the time to manage their investments effectively. These companies offer a suite of services designed to maximize the return on investment while minimizing the stress and workload for property owners.

December 23, 2022

3 Real Estate Investing Resolutions for the New Year

As the new year approaches, many people reconsider their investing strategies. Whether you're just starting real estate investing or expanding an existing real estate business, you may wonder what to do or change in 2023.

December 23, 2022

Give Yourself the Gift of Time This Holiday Season

Time is something most of us wish we had more of - time off from work, time to relax, time to be with loved ones, time to travel, and time to pursue hobbies or creative interests. One survey found that 80 percent of adults wish to spend more time with friends or family. But work or other obligations often get in the way, leading to "time scarcity," which usually decreases happiness.

December 2, 2022

What Support Services Do You Need as A Real Estate Investor?

This is a common question for people who are interested in property investing for the first time. When you first begin real estate investing, you may not realize all the services you will need to streamline the process.

Property Management
October 21, 2022

How Can a Full Service Property Management Firm Help with Real Estate Investing?

Whether you're just starting real estate investing or already own multiple properties, chances are you need assistance with at least some of the tasks necessary to manage a property.

March 13, 2024

How To Choose The Right Contractor For Home Renovation

Home renovations and new construction properties share one very important element - they require a well-structured and organized contractor. Depending on the size of the job, it could possibly require multiple contractors.

November 26, 2023

Navigating the Complexities of Investing in New Construction Affordable Housing Communities

Real estate is a huge industry for a multitude of reasons. The most dynamic is because it's literally the business of shelter, one of the most important aspects of life. So understandably the industry that provides housing, something that everyone desires to be invested in, is a hard-hitting money maker.

August 10, 2023

Post-Construction Profitability: Managing And Leveraging Completed Projects

Have you ever heard the phrase (or something similar): Real estate is a long game? If not, we will explain the meaning. Think of real estate as a plant. You research the types of seeds you would like to plant, prepare the soil (whether it's directly into the ground or a pot), plant, water, and feed. Even if you have never personally planted a seed, you can attest to the fact, that it will not sprout by the next morning, and you may spend quite some time nurturing the seed before anything happens, but still, you trust the process and when it finally sprouts, it may seem like it was overnight, but you know first hand the work it took.

July 12, 2023

New Construction vs. Resale: Which Provides A Better Profit Potential?

Real estate investing has the potential to be a wealthy venture. Whether you are looking for a long-term or short-term earning opportunity, it’s there. It’s also one of the oldest and most proven avenues for building generational wealth, both short and long-term, making it obvious as to why.

March 21, 2023

Maximize Your Real Estate This Spring With Onsite Maintenance

As we transition into warmer days and shorter nights, spring is the perfect time to take inventory of the 'things to get done' around your property. Winter storms are behind you, and right before the rainy season and high temps come in, there are a few maintenance concerns that can be handled to keep your property in tip-top condition, preventing further problems and maintaining tenant satisfaction.

February 23, 2023

How To Make an Impact in the Real Estate Industry

It's more to popularity and social media saturation when choosing a real estate brokerage to align yourself with. There are quite a few characteristics that you should weigh your decision against. Whether you are a new agent looking to attach your business with a real estate brokerage, or a seasoned real estate agent looking to align yourself with certain values and improve your space to grow, our list of qualities to keep in mind can help you make a sound decision.

February 10, 2023

3 Things You Can Do as a Realtor to Help Real Estate Investors

As a Realtor, it's important to stay informed about the market and understand the needs of your clients. Private investors (particularly individuals who own 4 or less units) are becoming increasingly prevalent, and as such, it's important to know how to help them navigate the real estate landscape. In this blog post, we'll explore three key things you can do to help private investors make the most of their investments.

January 13, 2023

1031 Exchanges as an Investment Tool

1031 Exchanges are a powerful tool for real estate investors looking to defer capital gains taxes and maximize their returns. These exchanges can be especially beneficial for investors looking to invest in rental or commercial properties. This blog post will take a detailed look at 1031 Exchanges and provide an example of how a 1031 Exchange can apply in a real-world scenario. We'll also explore the benefits of working with a Realtor in the 1031 Exchange process. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just getting started in the world of real estate, this post will provide valuable insights and information.